The five powerful money lessons I learned in 2024

Discover how to shift your mindset, take charge of your finances, and start building the life you deserve.

Welcome back to the Doula Johanna Podcast! In this week’s episode, I’m diving into a topic that’s been both challenging and transformative for me: money.

If you haven’t already, I recommend starting with Episode 1, where I talk about using the Wheel of Life to set meaningful goals for the new year. That exercise set the stage for everything I’m sharing today, especially when it came to improving my money mindset.

Now, let’s talk about the five most impactful lessons I learned about money in 2024.

1. Fire Your Financial Advisor

Are you relying on a financial advisor who gets paid through commissions or hidden fees? If so, it’s time to reevaluate that relationship.

For years, I entrusted my finances to advisors, believing they knew better than I did. But after reading I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi, I realized how much money I was losing due to high fees and poor investment choices.

In 2024, I finally took control. I fired my financial advisor, educated myself, and built an ETF portfolio for my retirement. It wasn’t easy—my investments had lost 35% of their value in just two years—but I’m proud to be in charge of my financial future now.

If this resonates with you, it might be time to review your investments and start taking ownership of your financial decisions.

2. Love Your Rich Friends

For years, I carried a lot of negative beliefs about wealth and wealthy people. I assumed they were shallow or greedy, but the truth is, I was just jealous.

Once I started embracing my successful friends, I realized how much I could learn from them. Their stories inspired me to dream bigger and set higher goals for myself. If you don’t have rich friends, seek out people who challenge your mindset and show you what’s possible.

3. Raise Your Prices or Ask for a Raise

This one’s especially for women: You deserve to be paid well for your work.

For a long time, I undervalued my skills as a doula, thinking my work was “too meaningful” to focus on money. What nonsense! Your calling doesn’t exempt you from needing to pay bills or plan for your future.

If you’re self-employed, it’s time to evaluate your prices. If you’re working for someone else, schedule a meeting to discuss your value and ask for a raise. Remember, you’re not just working—you’re investing in your future.

4. Invest in Your Future

Do you know how much money you’ll need for retirement?

In 2024, I calculated the gap between my target retirement income and my expected pension. It was a wake-up call. Even though I started late, I’ve automated my monthly investments and plan to increase them as my income grows.

It’s never too late to start. Even small, consistent contributions can have a big impact over time.

5. Work on Your Money Blocks

The limiting beliefs we carry about money don’t just affect us—they can shape our children’s mindset, too.

This year, I’ve been working on my money blocks by talking openly about finances with my kids. It’s humbling to see how much they’ve picked up from me, but it’s also rewarding to help them develop healthier attitudes toward money.

If you’re ready to break the cycle, start by acknowledging your money blocks and seeking resources to overcome them.

Final Thoughts

Here’s a quick recap of the five money lessons I learned in 2024:

  1. Fire your financial advisor.
  2. Love your rich friends.
  3. Raise your prices or ask for a raise.
  4. Invest in your future.
  5. Work on your money blocks.

I’m far from perfect, but I’m learning to “doula” myself through the guilt of past mistakes by celebrating the progress I’m making now.

What’s Your Biggest Money Lesson?

I’d love to hear from you! What’s the most impactful money lesson you’ve learned this year? Share your thoughts in the comments or connect with me on Instagram @doulajohanna.

If you found this post helpful, please share it with someone who could use a little financial inspiration. And don’t forget to subscribe to the Doula Johanna Podcast—it’s available wherever you listen to podcasts and on YouTube!

Next week, we’ll be talking about setting meaningful goals for 2025. Until then, take care and be your own life doula.

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